Proactiv Revitalizing Toner
The Proactiv Revitalizing Toner is the best part of the three step regimen. After using the Proactiv cleanser, my face was always irritated and red. The corners of my nose would burn, and any acne I had would burn also. When I was ready for the toner, I would just put a little bit on a cotton ball. Then, I rub it over my entire face. At first, it does sting a tiny bit, but that only lasts for a second. After the stinging is gone, it is very soothing to my irritate skin. It also has a pleasant smell. I have noticed that after I use the toner, my face is extremely red. The toner doesn't bother my skin at all, so I don't know if the redness is from the cleanser or the toner. When the toner is completely dry, I put the lotion on my face. The lotion seems to take away any of the redness. I think the toner really helps to reduce my acne. For me, the toner always lasts much longer than the cleanser or the lotion.